Weekly Updates and Musings from Our Pastor & Director of Program Ministries

Watch For God
Connection Corner Emily Bredthauer Connection Corner Emily Bredthauer

Watch For God

It’s my week to write the article here, but inspiration is slow to arrive. Some weeks the topic arrives quickly and obviously; other weeks there are several competing ideas, and I must choose among a handful of interesting ones. And then there are a few weeks, like this one, where my idea bin is empty, no matter how many times I peer into it. 

I often hop over to Pinterest to flip through some quotes to see if one of them strikes a chord with me, offering up a topic to write on. There are loads of good ones which often might inspire me, but none of them seemed quite right. 

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Our Mexico Missions Trip Team Heads Out
Connection Corner Emily Bredthauer Connection Corner Emily Bredthauer

Our Mexico Missions Trip Team Heads Out

When I opened the office door an hour ago at 7:45am, the office was dark, relatively quiet, and a little cold. I turned on the heat and lights (which, when I thought about it, is sort of a modern miracle). It’s pouring outside and there is a downspout near my office that makes it sound even more like a deluge than it is. 

Pastor Karl arrived around 8:15am and began to pack up his truck. He had a lot of nervous energy because there are 50+ people arriving soon to gather before they trundle off to Ensenada, this time in the rain.

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A Change in Mood
Connection Corner Emily Bredthauer Connection Corner Emily Bredthauer

A Change in Mood

I hate to admit it, but I think I woke up on the wrong side of the bed this morning. Since diving back under the covers wasn’t really an option for me today, I did some yoga, took a shower, got dressed, made another cup of coffee, and headed out. 

The parking lot was surprisingly full for a 9am on Thursday. I wasn’t expecting anyone and couldn’t recall that anything was going on. But then I remembered, the San Clemente Military Family Outreach (SCMFO) volunteers were assembling the layettes that they’ll give away on Saturday to military families who are expecting a baby soon. 

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The To-Do List
Connection Corner Emily Bredthauer Connection Corner Emily Bredthauer

The To-Do List

Yesterday, I was feeling particularly accomplished. I mean that most literally – I checked off almost all the things on my “List of Things To Do” – I was able to accomplish them! The feeling of satisfaction was a good one and I will not lie, I enjoy getting things done and crossing things off a list. 

My to-do list is likely similar to yours with some tasks that seem to pop up regularly while others only make an appearance once. Each thing listed out needs tending to either because they are important or necessary or sometimes urgent. And so, we attend to these things as we move about our days. 

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