Our Mission
To help people follow the way of life Jesus taught so that we can transform the world into all that God hopes for us
The way we do this at St. Andrew’s is by helping people Connect, Grow and Serve.
We seek to CONNECT with God and others through Sunday morning worship, classes held throughout the year, small groups, and all-church connection events.
We look for opportunities to GROW in our knowledge, faith and calling in a variety of settings such as our Lenten classes, informal coffee and conversations after church, and our sermon movie screenings.
We seek to SERVE others in the local and world-wide communities through events and organizations like Rise Against Hunger (packaged 15,000 meals to go to families around the world experiencing hunger), UMCOR (assembled 200 hygiene kits for disaster relief), Yugo Ministries in Mexico (built two houses for families in need); plus our ongoing support of Family Assistance Ministries, Welcome Inn, and the San Clemente Military Family Outreach.