Our Mission For
Kid’s Ministry

We believe that the next generation is an essential part of our mission to help people follow the way of life Jesus taught so that we can transform the world into all that God hopes for us.

We love championing families in San Clemente and supporting the growing faith of each child. We seek to introduce them to get to know a Jesus that loves them so that they can share Him with everyone they meet. 

Our Kid’s Ministry reaches each child on their level in all the ways listed below.

infants at st. andrew's by-the-sea united methodist church kid's ministry


Children of all ages are welcome in service - even if they make noise! However, there is also Nursery care for children ages 0-3. The nursery opens at 9:45am. Our volunteers will keep your little ones entertained and happy so you can enjoy our worship service.


  • We offer Sunday School each week during our service for Preschool - 5th grade. All kids will start in the service with their family and then be dismissed to class.

  • We also do Children's Time with Pastor Karl in service each week. Kids begin the morning with their parents in service and then are invited to join Pastor Karl to peek inside our Mystery Box, where a child has placed a secret item that Pastor Karl has to quickly relate to God. We love connecting God’s love and attributes to simple items as a way to help kids understand Him better!

  • Every summer, we offer Vacation Bible School for Elementary-aged kids. It’s a one-week, half-day camp full of jam-packed fun where they learn about the love of Jesus in an interactive way! We encourage kids to invite neighbors and friends.

  • Each fall, we give incoming second-graders a brand new bible during our Fall Kickoff service. We encourage them to use it and study it as they mature. We also pray for them and their families. 

Middle - High School

  • Middle School and High School students meet together during our worship service for their own class. It’s a mix of fun and learning!

  • Occasionally throughout the year, we offer special events for these students to hang out with our Pastor and go on an adventure.

  • Our 6th-12th graders also meet together on a weeknight once a month to hang out and form connections.

  • Our Youth program is run by Emily Freiss, learn more about her here.

Questions about our Kids & Youth Ministry?

Reach out with any questions you have and someone in our kids ministry will get back to you as soon as possible!

VBS Registration is now open for summer 2025!