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Easter Sunday

  • St. Andrew's By-The-Sea UMC 2001 Calle Frontera San Clemente, CA, 92673 United States (map)

Join us this Easter season!

Good Friday | April 18, 7pm

Community members and choirs from St. Andrew’s and Palisades United Methodist Churches will offer movements from J. S. Bach's "St. John Passion" and other choral masterworks, such as the Mozart Requiem and Handel Messiah.

Easter Sunday Worship Service | April 20, 10 am

Join us in San Clemente for our Easter Sunday Worship Service! Invite friends, family & neighbors, too. It’s a family-friendly service with special music and flowers, and Sunday School will also be available. Don’t forget you can always watch online at

Community Easter Egg Hunt | April 20, 11:30 am

Rain or shine, we will have our Easter Egg Hunt out on the lawn at 11:30am, following the worship service. All kids 5th grade and under are invited to participate!

April 18

Good Friday Service

May 4

Rise Against Hunger Food Packing