Mountain Top Experiences

Then he went down with them and came to Nazareth, and was obedient to them. His mother treasured all these things in her heart.

   --Luke 2:51

Dear Church Family,

I know this is a strange text to begin my article with, but stick with me, and I’ll explain. It’s from the only story we have about Jesus’ childhood, and it’s found in Luke chapter two. Jesus was 12 years old, and he went the temple in Jerusalem with his parents. When they began the long journey home to Nazareth, he stayed behind to listen and ask questions of the rabbis. His parents thought he was with the group only to discover after three days that they had left him behind. They quickly returned to the temple to find him and bring him home.

That’s where we get the above scripture. After what I’m sure was an amazing experience for Jesus, they go back home to normal life. They go back to the ordinary, to the everyday things, and it’s another 18 years before Jesus would begin his formal ministry and teaching.  

As I thought of this story, I thought about so called “mountain top experiences.” You know, those moments in life where you have been part of something special, had your heart deeply moved, and been changed as a result. In the church world they often happen at camp or on mission trips. And just this past weekend, I’m fairly certain that 49 people from our church had a “mountain top experience” on our Mexico Mission Trip.

Because of this church’s generosity, we were able to build three homes over the course of three days. But beyond the homes, it was all the connecting, growing, and serving together that brought people to one of those mountain top experiences. 

It was the relationships that were formed with the families we served, the staff at Yugo Ministries, and among the people on the team. It was all the people of this church who travelled with us in spirit through your prayers, your gifts, and support. It happened in sharing Girl Scout cookies generously donated by one of our church members. It was in the prayer squares that went in our pockets to remind us of your love.

But here is the thing. We don’t stay on the mountain top. Every mountain top expedition comes to an end, and we must return to our daily lives. This is what reminded me of the boy Jesus in the temple. Even Jesus had one of these moments when he sat with the elders in the temple, but he couldn’t stay there. Jesus went home. He went back to his daily life apprenticing with his carpenter father and doing the chores he did every week for his mother.

However, he didn’t come down from the temple/mountain top the same. I’m certain he came back changed. And his experience was treasured in his heart and shared with others. It became one of the building blocks that ultimately became his world changing ministry.

We have come back from Mexico changed. Our hearts have been transformed, and it is something that can shape all of our lives. On Sunday morning, your mission team will share about their experience. We will show a video of the houses you helped build. You will see your signatures hanging on the wall in three homes. And you will hear stories of how this trip has changed our hearts in ways that will help to grow our ministry here at St. Andrew’s.
Thank you for being part of this church family and sending our team in your name and the name of Jesus. We look forward to sharing these stories with you and taking what we learned to continue building God’s kingdom here on earth as it is in heaven.

With God’s Love,
Pastor Karl


Watch For God


Our Mexico Missions Trip Team Heads Out