The Coffee Conundrum
Dear Church Family,
We have a morning routine in our house during the week. I’m responsible for the coffee portion of that routine because Kristen has to leave for work before I do. So, I wake up around 5:45 am, go downstairs, grind the coffee beans and brew the delicious liquid that will give us our first burst of energy for the day.
This morning, however, I went downstairs only to discover we were out of coffee beans — a real emergency, to say the least! After calming my panicked brain, I remembered that our local roaster's drive-through window opens at 6:00 a.m. If I hurried, I could get there and back before Kristen needed to leave for school. Without much thought, I grabbed the keys and got in the car.
Upon arrival, I was third in line at the coffee drive-through. No problem — I’d still make it back in time to get Kristen some caffeine before her drive to work. Patiently, I waited until my turn at the window. After giving them my order, I went to grab my wallet. It was then that I realized I had my second emergency of the day: my wallet was still at home. In my haste, I had forgotten it.
In the end, I spent 20 extra minutes trying to save the day, but I had to leave the coffee shop empty-handed. Kristen would have to head to work without her morning cup of coffee. I had wasted my time!
Fortunately, I have a wonderful and understanding wife. She was very forgiving and appreciative of my efforts. But I was still frustrated with myself and kept thinking it was all a waste of time.
After reflecting for a few hours, I may have changed my mind. The more I thought about it, the more I realized that the coffee wasn't really the end goal. I got in the car because I wanted to help someone I love. I waited in line because my heart wanted to share love through this small action. Even though I didn’t achieve the goal, I still showed her that I love her. And when we show our love for one another, that is never wasted time.
There are many times we may want to help someone, but we aren't able to for one reason or another. We may lack the skills, resources, or ability to offer the specific help they need. We may even try to help and find that we fall short of making a difference.
But even if we are not able to help in exactly the right way, the time we spend isn’t wasted. Trying to help is sharing love all the same. Sometimes, we might not have to change anything to show someone we care. We can be present, listen, and remind them they are not alone.
There are many times when Jesus came into a person’s life without changing their specific situation, but His love still made a difference. I think about the woman at the well in John chapter four. Her life circumstances were challenging, and Jesus didn’t change them for her. But he did give his time and shared His love and that made all the difference for her. His stop at the well was not a waste of time; it was an expression of love.
So, remember, we don’t have to save the world. We can’t erase all the hurt and pain others experience. But we can remind them they are loved and cared for; and when we do that, we share the light of God’s love.
With God’s Peace,
Pastor Karl
P.S. Kristen eventually got her coffee through the modern miracle of the Starbucks app. I had a mocha waiting for her at the local Starbucks on her route to work. Day saved!